volunteer opportunities
The ultimate impact and reach of the Redmond Police Foundation is dependent upon strong support from our great community. We have on-going needs for skilled volunteers across a number of different areas. You may be able to apply your talents to one or a number of our initiatives. This is a great opportunity to share your expertise and energy with your community! There are four categories where we see needs for volunteer assistance: Fund Raising, Events, Community Engagement, and Social Media, Photography, and Copywriting. Please complete and submit the volunteer form below if you wish to get involved. We will reach out to you when opportunities arise.

Fund Raising
The Foundation’s mission is centered on improving the community through direct support of our police and first responders. Critical to this objective are ideas and energy around fund raising. The Foundation is seeking those who have relevant experience or expertise and would like to help promote our mission through fund raising.
Are you the type of person who loves to plan a party or special event? Perhaps you would be more comfortable helping execute an event? We need people with great ideas and experience in delivering fund raising and recognition events. We encourage individuals and groups to get involved and collaborate with us.

Community Engagement
Would you like the opportunity to help get the word out about the Foundation's mission, activities and impact? We need volunteers with diverse backgrounds and interest in improving their community and neighborhoods. People who like to engage with fellow community members and evangelize the positive contributions of the Foundation are an ideal fit.
Social Media, Photography, Copywriting
Do you have a knack for weaving together social media for maximum effect? Are you skilled with a camera, enjoy capturing still and video moments, and editing your work to tell a visual story? Are you gifted with an ability to write copy for our website? We are seeking talented individuals who can bring their knowledge and artistry to support our mission.